
myth of the asian overachiever

today, my class of ten year old boys
i asked them what cars
they wanted to drive
when they grew up
two ferrari's and a truck
the truck driver is already fat
somehow, a crystal ferrari
became you have the
grand champion biggest crystal pica
pica no , english please, say
shiny, chinko, no english please, say
cock he has the grand champion
biggest shiniest crystal cock
who does? he does.
attention wanes, someone draws
yoko ono's ass with a string
of ice cream swirl shit
dropping down ko re wa na n de su ka?
english please what is this
this. what is big- kid points
to the the drawing. i say
magnificent defecation
i te mi te say after me
this is ma g ni fi ce n t de fe ca shun
he has magnificent...

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