
sleep unsleep

sleep unsleep

i walked into to the bank there, fifteen necessary stamps and addresses and ink. spilling every time pink form, blue form, not green form , fill them out be sent back, this uncapitalized, this backwards doesn't match. your own name is not the name owned by the bank. you own neither the money nor the name. hands refusing to reform. i hated the bank, women workers calves solidifying into their pumps like bloated daikon, sweater vests. everything dropping into vaults, held down by fluorescent tracks, lipstick red stamps and the eyeglassed manager sleeping with the bee behind desk three. shame what security cameras have done to banker romances.

the man had a baseball in his cheek or maybe a softball. eyes untouched by insanity, though his shirt was untucked. would have been suspect were it not for the fateful ornamentation. just hanging there, smooth and pendulous as an implanted breast, but heavier. tumors denser than silicon. the hollow of his cheek almost concave, except for the border where it sloped into a neatly contained sphere. the mouth opened as evenly as it could have, given the muscular asymmetry. no jowls, smooth skin, just. i had finished my business. walking home showering and lying back naked on straw floor waiting to dry hearing window shutters rattle calendars as cars drove by, imagining a day when even being dressed will offer no hiding


myth of the asian overachiever

today, my class of ten year old boys
i asked them what cars
they wanted to drive
when they grew up
two ferrari's and a truck
the truck driver is already fat
somehow, a crystal ferrari
became you have the
grand champion biggest crystal pica
pica no , english please, say
shiny, chinko, no english please, say
cock he has the grand champion
biggest shiniest crystal cock
who does? he does.
attention wanes, someone draws
yoko ono's ass with a string
of ice cream swirl shit
dropping down ko re wa na n de su ka?
english please what is this
this. what is big- kid points
to the the drawing. i say
magnificent defecation
i te mi te say after me
this is ma g ni fi ce n t de fe ca shun
he has magnificent...
